
Get Unique Experience with Cultural Rituals in Sri Lanka

Events and festivals in Sri Lanka is range from religious to cultural celebrations with distinctive and fascinating traditions owned by each and every months of the year.So Sri Lanka is Full of festive country.

As a Festive Country

Having a history more than 2500 years Sri Lanka, as a multi ethnic, cross cultural and religious country, Sri Lanka is never short of festivals and celebrations. Each and Every month of whole year brings a celebration either religious or cultural importance, making Sri Lanka one of the countries with highest number of celebrations and holidays in the world. Events and festivals in Sri Lanka range from religious to cultural celebrations with host of distinctive and fascinating traditions owned by each in different way. As Sri Lankans, they have their own culture and festivals and those can be seen separately as Sinhala Buddhist festivals, Hindu festivals, and Islam religious festivals.

Festivals in Sri Lanka.

There are so many festivals starting from the month of January to end of December each and every year. Every full moon day of each month is a festival day which culturally and religiously important for Sinhala Buddhist people. Held some kind of pageant in these days named as Duruthu pageant, Nawam Pageant Esala pageant. With the end of harvesting season it reports the beginning of Sinhala and Hindu New Year season in the month of April. It is one of the most important cultural festivals in the country. A lengthy holiday and a table full of oily traditional delicacies like oil cakes, kokis, milk rice makes the New Year festival one of the long awaited festivals in the country.
The full moon day which comes in the month of May names Wesak full moon day is the most important religious celebration in Sri Lanka. Buddhists celebrate the birth of prince Sidhdhartha, enlightenment of ascetic Sidhdhartha and passing away of Lord Buddha with many celebrations, all sri Lankan Buddhists and some other religious people enjoy Vesak decorations with decorations including pandols and lanterns and many a make shift alm houses that line the roads offering every food item from beverages, dessert to main meals.
Not only these festivals but also there are so many festivals are held in Sri Lanka and with the effect of these Sri Lanka is called as a Festive country in the world.

The most Famous Cultural Event

One of the largest cultural parades in the world called Kandy Esala and Sacred Tooth Relic Temple’s pageant which comes on the month of July/August in every year. The sacred rituals have been fallowed for more than 1500 years recorded with meticulous care For the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha. It’s a showcase of the best of Sri Lankan dancing and music and the domesticated tuskers in the country and it depicting a traditional landmark for Sri Lanka. The pageant is held for 17 days each days are pageantry and becoming grander. More than hundred elephants dressed in their fabulous finery, thousands of dancers, drummers, musicians, whip crackers, torch bares, fire-juggling acrobats, flag bearers are lightning and adding beauty to the pageant.